Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Possible faint line???

So I took a test this morning and I think I can see a faint line, took another test was negative but I think I’m only very very early possibly 7dpo what’s other peoples opinions????


10 DPO

Has anyone had a negative at 10DPO (using 6 day early tests) but then gone on to have a positive in a few days time? I know 10DPO is still early, but I was just wondering if anyone has had this experience please?



Suspected 7DPO no missed period but pregnancy symptoms, took a clear blue faint positive took another and gain positive again, digital reads negative, took a +clear blue and pink dye test, edited to get lines up on camera, pictures in comments as can only upload one


Is this a positive?

Haven’t gotten my period for almost 3 months and I’m 6 months pp. does this look like a positive ?



Update for everyone who saw my last post, I took the faint positive tests yesterday even though I’m not late on period but felt pregnant today took a digital and another brand of tests today and all negative I’m so upset I thought this was it


1 week late negative test

What’s going on?😭 defo out this month but never been late before! When will my period come? I just want it to come so can hurry up ttc😭😭


7 days late for period , negative pregnancy test

Anyone know why this could be? It’s driving me around the bend


Is this a faint positive or negative ?

I took this test attached on the 8th March I then tested again 1 hour later and it was negative. I then had a period for 4ish days from the 25th March. I then tested positive on 25th April (very clear lines on multiple tests) Could this pregnancy have been from March and I still had a period ?


Still positive nearly 3 weeks after D&C

How long did it take u to get a negative, it’s looked like this the last 3 days


Darker line?

6+0, morning wee, would you expect I see a darker positive line?


Positive :)

Soo tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and I’m freaking out bc what if my test with the doctor comes out negative I’m just over thinking and I hate it but i finally got a positive test after trying since February 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Pregnancy tests

What the earliest did you guys get a slight line on a pregnancy test after having unprotected sex and what brand did you use?


Clear blue pregnancy test

Has anyone used the Clearblue date check test and been further along than what the test states? For example 2-3 weeks on the test means you are 4-5 weeks pregnant. I done a test last week which said I am around 4-5 weeks pregnant but I honestly feel like the dates with my last period and my current symptoms are...



Anyone help me? I’m 6dpo not missed period yet but had symptoms of pregnancy like I am so so tired and having headaches etc. I took a clear blue and it was a gain positive (the picture) then I took another a few hours later and it’s negative? I’m so confused and I don’t have access to anymore tests right now I know ...


Late period but negative test

Soo my period is 6 days late, which is not the norm for me but I’ve done a pregnancy test and it’s negative. Also I don’t know if it’s in my head but I feel like I’ve been having a few symptoms! Not really sure what to do from here now, shall I just wait another few days or go with the negative test 🤷‍♀️


Possibly pregnant while breastfeeding

Started feeling symptoms 2 weeks ago and a red dye test had a faint positive line whoever since then every blue dye test is a negative I’m beyond exhausted, nauseous, lightheaded and feeling cramping I never got my period after giving birth to my twins due to me breastfeeding Tomorrow I go in for a blood test to ...


Evaporated line or positive line?

I should have gotten a pink test, but I wasn’t thinking! This is the second one I’ve taken, the last one was a few days ago. And I could see the same faint line on that one, I tossed it so I can’t compare the two. I’m supposed to start my period today. But I am sick so it could be late..



Can anyone help? I've had an unexpected bill come out of my tsb bank, which has left me in the minus on my account it was meant to bounce at 2:30 but it hasn't anyone know why? Thanks


Still vvf line on pink tests

This is today's, I can still see vvf line can anyone else see it ??????


Think it’s negative

I’m around 8dpo and 9 months trying I thort I mite see the faintest of line but then could just be my eyes


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