Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Still vvf line on pink tests

This is today's, I can still see vvf line can anyone else see it ??????


Think it’s negative

I’m around 8dpo and 9 months trying I thort I mite see the faintest of line but then could just be my eyes


Could this be peak?

This is darker than the control line but I feel like the control line is really light, could it be faulty?


Going crazy

These are all my tests that I done up till this morning . Pink tests not so good vvf but I can just see a line . I've put them into black and white . Should I keep testing 🤔 or just phone doctor for tests there ?


7DPO OPK Reading & Negative HCG

Month 3 in my TTC Journey. This cycle i feel like all my ducks are in a row. I wanted a thread with everyone's thoughts on this topic as these are my results as of this evening. I've heard that this is a promising sign but not a definite BFP. Baby Dust to everyone~


Help end this debate

I took a test but i don’t see nothing but my bestfriend swear it’s positive so help end this debate PLEASE


Period? Pregnant?

Has anyone else had a period start after giving birth and it was happening every 2 weeks but then after 3 months of this, suddenly your period stopped? I took a test and it said negative but should I test again to see if I’m pregnant?


12dpo testing

Has anyone tested 3 days before AF due with a first response and it be positive? I’ll be 12dpo tomorrow and want to start testing so bad!


My two pregnancy tests

One saying I’m pregnant and the other one saying how many months I am


When should I test?

So according to Flo I'm late by one day. I'm been having cramps for two days straight but no show of blood. I'll insert a picture so maybe someone can give me insight. Just some background. I have a son who will be 3 in October and I've had two losses last year. My ob has done tests for me and everything came back n...



Hi all! Can anyone confirm if they see a very very faint second line or am I seeing things that I wish to be there?


Late ovulation or just a late period??

This month I didn’t track ovulation or anything and now my period is 5 days late with negative tests.. what’s happening? Never happened before😩


Have I got line eye?

Opinions? I’m 4 days late. I did a test yday and there was nothing and did another this morning.


Testing making me crazy!

Had a positive digital last night after 2 days of Faint positives. Finally felt confident that I was pregnant. Did a FRER this morning, first time using this brand, and it's the faintest line yet! Do you think all is okay? I ordered the FRER because I thought they were most sensitive and could give the me the cheap...


Negative tests and late

I’m always on time for my period. I’m now 5 days late and still getting negative tests. Top one was 1 day late and bottom was fmu today. I’m guessing this is me done this cycle just want AF to hurry up so can keep trying😭😭



Hi guys - I did a test yesterday and initially nothing came up so I put the test in the bin and continued my day. Something made me check it this morning and I obviously saw the line. I’m 5 months PP so freaked out. I have just done another test and there is no line at all. Do you think the first test is a mistake...


Feeling down

13dpo and testing negative :( I feel like I have convinced myself I am pregnant so testing negative is so disheartening:(


Lighter pregnancy test at 15 weeks?

So I took a test on a whim I’m 15 weeks. Why is it lighter than when I was 4 weeks pregnant?


How long from implantation*cramps* to positive test (no blood)

I'm maybe 8-9dpo, negative test but had implantation cramps a bit ago, I think. I felt pulling/twinging/cramping sensations for about 20 minutes?? Wondering how soon after implantation could I test positive? Or what was your experience? Test from today pictured below


Pregnant again maybe??

My baby is 6months old and I haven’t had periods this month yet. We were using pull out method. Shall I do a test? What if it’s positive? Can I get any pills? I don’t want to get pregnant again!! Please help !!


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