Community Posts, Tips & Support on Trying to Conceive

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.

Been TTC for 3 months, unfortunately taking longer than we hoped, my first born will be 5 next Feb. Can you give positive stories of a 5 / 5+year gap?

Some side notes below 😥 I just feel guilty for my boy.


Those who have more than one baby

Did you find going from 0-1 or 1-2 more difficult?


Can anyone tell me how you do it and that it’s gonna be alright

I went to the grocery store pregnant and with my toddler the other day and realized I have no idea how I’m gonna do this with two of them. Help lmao. It’s hard enough with just her.



Fiancé wants another baby 🤦🏽‍♀️ we have 4 boys in all youngest being 2 years old . I have breast reduction surgery in 20 days 😂. He understands the waiting period. But he also wants to try for a girl . I love him and our family but come on .


sperm donor disappointed us

hi guys my partner and i are lesbians and our sperm donor disappointed us and isn’t going to donate anymore (on day of ovulation) wondering if anyone knows any sperm donors in birmingham? not picky just looking for someone healthy with clean sti results. if anyone has experienced this before i’d love some advice/sup...


No colostrum!?

Anyone else not managing to get any colostrum? I’m 38+4 and still nothing…


more babiesss

FTMs- when are you thinking about having baby #2? i wouldn't mind caring for two babies but i can not bare the thought of being pregnant again. 😫



I hate it here.. 🫠😂 That’s all for today. Wishing everyone the best of luck and all the baby dust 🫶🏻✨


Tell a friend who is struggling with infertility

Hi guys, I am about 7w at the moment and haven’t announced to anyone because my husband would like to wait until we’ve had our first scan. I am excited to tell friends and family but I’m worried about telling my best friend of 25 years because she is struggling to conceive (and has for years). I’ve read elsewher...


Buying baby items whilst TTC

I’ve always known I wanted a second child. Once I was ready I came off contraception and started trying. I had some things I didn’t use for my first and just kept them for my ‘next’. I fell pregnant in September last year and started shopping for more baby clothes and other items (a whole medium suitcase full). Sad...


How to know when ready for baby #2?

I always thought I'd want a second baby, but now that my LG is here I'm just not sure. She's a happy baby who sleeps well, but I'm still permanently exhausted and overwhelmed because we have very little support. My husband wants us to start trying for another but I'm just not sure I could handle pregnancy and a newb...


“I want to start trying for pregnancy!”

“Tell me what foods I should eat and what I should do!”


Planning a second baby

Hey! I had my baby girl a few months ago now , I absolutely adore motherhood. Me and my partner cannot wait to add a new addition to the family already. How long did you wait before trying for another baby ?x


Can it effect fertility?

My partner has smoked for about 5/6 years, he’s been a daily smoker (onea day) for about 3 years. I’ve also been smoking about 5/6 days a week (just once in the evening) for the last 3 years since i had my first child. Before that i was doing it once or twice a week for about 3 years.. i conceived my first very eas...


Gallbladder issues and TTC for baby no2

Hi ladies, is anyone else suffering with gallbladder issues? I want to TTC for my second baby but I'm worried there could be complications. Anyone else in the same boat?


Hii my TTC girlies, advice please 🙏🏻

This is what this cycle is looking like. Let me know if the amount of baby dancing is enough or if we should try again tomorrow. What do you think? Pictures in comments. Picture of ovulation tests and our calendar this month



Is anyone trying to get back into it and get pregnant again so the kids are really close in age? Or am I the only lunatic? 😅



Currently ttc for 7 months (we are both 31 and already have had one healthy pregnancy where we conceived quickly, with no thyroid issues). Recently privately tested hormone, TSH level was 3.92 but FT4 levels normal and in range. I am UK based. Should I be seeing my gp about this? Have others been prescribed medi...


Baby #2

Hey Ladies! I’ve been ttc baby #2 for almost a year with. I success. I am currently on in my second cycle with letrozole(due to having PCOS). Am I almost at the point of giving up. Do any of you ladies have any advice or tips?


Officially TTC!!

Hey everyone!! I’m officially actually trying for a baby!! I just started tracking my ovulation and so far the readings from Premom are very odd haha. I’m 8DPO and have been testing since yesterday for pregnancy. So far, all negatives!! Just posting this because I plan to make this my TTC diary 😅😂 thanks!!…


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