Working night shift while pregnant

I'm on my first batch of night shifts since being pregnant. I haven't told work (other than HR that I'm pregnant). I'm 16+3 I've been working night shift since Monday. My workload allows me to take a nap on shift so that's been helpful. But Monday night I feel very sick & finally threw up at the end of my shift. After Tuesday night shift I threw up once I got home (7:30am). Food hasn't come up when Im sick, it's clear, so I can rule out food as a cause. But does anyone have tips to prevent sickness or know reasons why I may be throwing up at 7am after a 12 hour night shift? Much appreciated thanks as I have more night shifts to come.
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Hi love. I just messaged you actually lol but just seen this post. I had bad sickness and it was worse on an empty stomach. By morning your stomach more likely to be empty so perhaps that's why it is worse? If you could maybe constantly snack on something small throughout your shift that may help. I ended up eating carby snacks constantly lol I ate loads of crackers or cereal bars but fruit worked as well. I was SO sick for a while---just wretching bile and clear liquid so they gave me cyclizine so if the nausea is making it too hard to work ask your doc for something. That combined with regular snacking and LOADs of ginger tea. Seriously if you can stand it just grate raw ginger into boiling water and drink that it helps. I always chew the raw ginger after cos I'm gross haha. If you can't stand that then there are some sweets called 'gin-gins'. Urm....and sniffing strong eucalyptus smells like tiger balm or Vicks can help too. Don't put it on your skin tho it's not advised to absorb any in pregnancy

....although I had been using tiger balm for when I was itching all over until I found out it's not classed as safe to use! Then obv stopped. Baby is fine and healthy tho from scans etc! It's just cos it has a very small amount of camphor oil in. But then Vicks has camphor in too and apparently thats ok for pregnancy women so who knows.... Good luck! The sickness is the fking worst but don't be afraid to go to GPs if it's unbearable and it does ease by mid-second trimester Xxxx

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