My boy was like this when he was a little younger so I started using Rhugar. It’s amazing. Totally natural - you can order online or from many chemist.
Have you tried doing bicycle kicks, froggy kicks, and reverse crunches? Tummy time and floor time can help. If baby likes to stand, this is perfect, help and encourage, this movement and baby moving hips will help. I looked at my diet with baby. I cut out/restricted cabbage, onion, garlic, spicy food, egg, diary products. Sitting upright and also bouncing Drink lots of water Don't let baby cry, distract her if you need to, crying will make her gassier Breastfeeding with her head above the rest of her and using anti gravity, so feeding from above. Make sure she has a good latch and isn't sucking any air. Massages, like clockwise circles and stroking downwards on tummy
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Have also read about people expressing a little before putting baby on the boob, just to get the flow started.
This is just what I found helped my baby anyway. Hope your baby is less gassy soon.