Hey. I had my son two days before shut down lol
2 replies
No I feel what your saying. I have five older kids. So online has been so much fun🤣😩
Had my son March 26th 2020
I had my daughter on March 16th 2020. The next day, it would have been impossible for my husband to attend the birth. Can you imagine????
1 reply
I had my son on the 16th as well and went home the next day. The nurses were trying so hard to be calm. I didn’t sleep that night. It was hard!
My boy was born March 14, 2020. They locked down the city two days later. But I had a csection. So I went from hospital to home and didn’t leave for like a month.
march 20 edmonton said your locked down ans super fun
What they didn’t tell me was that I was going to be at home with 6 kids for 2 years 🤣
that crazy not many a lot are after… i know im making her live as normal life as we can and let her be a kid with germs