Our local swim class has an introductory parent/baby program that starts at 8 weeks. I had no idea and my LO is already 5 mo, we have been missing out...we will be starting him soon though
My son been swimming sine he was 3 months old and he loves the water My husband usually put a nappy and a swim suit on him and put him in the water.
I started at 7 weeks with some baby swim classes with water babies. There’s a few classes out there you’ll have to look what’s in your area but I deffo recommend taking them early so they get used to the water x
Last summer when my baby girl was couple months old we went to pool couple times with ny older kids. I put her in a cloth swim diaper and a swim suit and swim shirt. Thinking of getting her a long sleeve swim suit for this summer it really helps with protecting their skin expecially when they are so little and its not good to put sun screen on them.
I want to start my baby ASAP with swimming but idk where?! When I google it it says 3 months + 🤣 so if that’s the earliest I can do, guess so! I want to do swimming lessons and have her out in our pool with that floating thing (with me) but also in her pool floaty.... we also want a water loving baby.
did anyone’s baby get sick from the public pools? my only concern. i can just imagine my 8 week old screaming for food in the pool idk lmao
I used a water ring sling!