I have a 14 month old son and a 3 month old son. It’s hard at times. Don’t get me wrong. But I honestly feel like in my case having a second child definitely made us whole. My oldest does get jealous. That happens. But i learned he’s very independent. He doesn’t want what a newborn wants sadly. But that’s what dads are for. My oldest loves my husband because they get to play a lot. With me I try to make time when I can. Whether it’s sleeping with or what. Newborns they sleep a lot. So when they sleep you and your oldest can sleep too. You can’t prepare yourself fully. But it’s worth it. I hope that helps a bit.
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It’s hard to juggle when they both need you at the same time, but my older one is interested in the younger one so we often end up doing things together. Mealtimes are hard, getting out of the house is hard, and trying to put the toddler down for a nap with the baby around is hard. But for the most part the baby just gets dragged along for whatever the toddler wants to do, and it works out fine There’s lots of “oh no baby sister crying, we need check on her” and “here you go baby sister, dis make you happy?”, “haha mommy it make her laugh!”. The baby is almost like a living doll sometimes 😂
Thank you! 💕