I’m also pregnant and have a 2.5 year old who has been strange these couple of days!! Weird. Lol. I was wondering what was happening too but realised maybe its because i’ve been so tried lately and distant in my interactions with him. So I’ve been trying to be more present and giving him lots of love and he is a lot better! That might be it? But yes, it’s hard!! You’re not alone mama. Best of luck!
I’m trying to give her quality attention and she gets hugs when she’s upset. It’s just so frequent! And usually she loves going into daycare but this past week, even with her favourite teacher and her friends, she’s reluctant to go into the classroom. She’s had strange sleeping patterns as well, I wonder if that has something to do with it???
Yes! Also not sure if it’s because of new bub but oh my gosh. It’s next level stuff now! Hopefully it’s the age and not our new life situations 😬 Currently in the process of making a “Calm Down Corner” in the hopes we can help the little man find his own safe space when experiencing big emotions.