Im 30w today and a little over halfway through my masters program in international relations. I started last fall with 3 courses, full time before finding out i was even pregnant and it was roughhh🙃😅 this spring i decided to take it easy, just did a 1 credit immersive weekend course. I plan to take the summer off completely and take either 1 or 2 courses in the fall. Once baby is here and i get to know his routine i can make the decision. The pregnancy was a surprise so having to change my graduation goals is a lot to swallow but im excited to keep working towards it and use finishing my studies to stay home longer with baby haha
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Currently working on my PhD, on my first semester with an infant who is now turning 6 months old! Life is very very different. I worked full time through 2 masters degrees. I think this experience has been harder because I don’t have control over my time. Nevertheless, we are halfway through the semester and I am making it. I am not as productive as I used to be, I am not doing extra curriculars and I am not top of my class. But I am making it
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Sounds like you’ve adapted and altered your expectations of yourself! And I think that’s amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.
I am taking it one semester at a time, and my parenthood motto for hard times is “the only way out is through”! You will definitely find your groove as well!!
Hey!! I’m about to start the program in January for SLP!!!
Congrats! On the baby and the degree! Sounds like your program has some flexibility and you’re also being flexible with your own expectations. My program … does not have a part time option 🤪. But! They are making some accommodations for me and I’ll definitely have the summer off. Baby is due right at the end of the spring semester. I know once he comes I’ll adapt, just nerve wracking to consider how it will all feel. It helps to have a supportive partner, very grateful for that!