I feel for you, those moments where nothing works go get them to calm down are they absolute worst! My son is 22 months and when he was younger he was very afraid of other people and would be attached to me the entire time. We found that a couple of things helped: 1. We needed to give him the time to get comfortable. This meant that if we went somewhere new if he wanted to be attached to me for the first 15 mins then that’s what he needed. I found that when I tried to push him thinking to myself it’ll be fun, it only made it worst. He needed the time to get comfortable. 2. Exposure helps a lot, going to school has helped a ton but also us exposing him to more kids but always following step 1. 3. Just time and patience, once they get the exposure and the patience from us, things start to shift.
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That was a though day, I feel you. My son is also 22MO this and he hates most kids. I took him to an indoor playground and the experience was very similar to the one you described, but the second time I took him to the same indoor playing he actually had a lot of fun, so I think it has a lot to do with the new environment. Understanding that, every time we go somewhere new I pick him up and give him a “tour” before I put him down, I also explain the day before and again before we leave the house where we are going and what we are gonna see and I find it makes him more confident. I also have a 6MO, and just now he is starting to get along with little brother, but a very slow start, he gives little brother one of his cars to play, sometimes he touches his head and yesterday he gave him a hug(!!!!!). I was shocked! We try our best to not make things baby’s fault to avoid rivalry, for example we never say: can’t play now, I’m feeding ur brother, we say, give me 5 mins and we will play.
1 reply
Thank you, this is some great advice🤗glad to know I'm not alone with this!!
Definitely going to give this a try! Thank you very much for the advice and help, its very soothing to know I'm not the only one who's had an experience like this!