There haven't been any studies on cannabis smoking in pregnant mothers so it's tough to say what effect it has. But you can't change the past, so don't stress it and just take the best care of your bb and yourself that you can going forward. And congrats!!!
If you stop now, you will be fine. I've read that anything after 20 weeks will stay in baby system and could come up positive after birth... also have heard of some women smoking up until 32 weeks and both testing negative at birth. But I think you'll be fine especially if you're finished now.
@Irmina thank you so much that’s really making me feel so so much better
@Tia okay thank you !!! i think i’m going to make sure i cut way way down and completely done with it by 10 weeks i wanna say for myself
@Steph thank you so much ! i almost spiraled into my own little tizzy there but i’m reassured by you ladies to take a beat so i appeeciate this information so much
Im 31 Weeks Today &’ Ive Been Smoking The Whole Time. I Plan On Stopping At The End Of This Week Because Im Scared Of Cps Being Involved.
They don’t drug test unless suspected. I smoked with both my children due to severe depression and no appetite. Never got CPS called or involved with either of them. Some states do have mandatory drug tests. I guess it really all depends on where you live.. 🙏🏼
Due to my anxiety and loss of appetite, I actually smoked my whole pregnancy. My LO is now 3 months old, exclusively bf, no issues with cps.
Girl baby will be prefectly fine , I’m a regular smoker & my daughter is 2 smart ASF & healthy as long as you stop now