I wear the straight back push up plunge bras from Torrid. The only ones that are comfortable and won’t dig or roll up at least for me. They have the back smoothing bras but look terrible if you like to wear spaghetti straps. I’ve tried so many different stores and keep going back to Torrid.
I cannot find a comfortable wire bra. I’ve only been wearing Torrid’s wireless push up bra. Not much support, but it doesn’t dig in for me. https://www.torrid.com/product/wire-free-push-up-solid-360°-back-smoothing™-bra/13201741.html?utm_source=goog&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=gm_ntg_pmax&utm_content=18276249354__&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk5ibBhDqARIsACzmgLTn0siDO1DfnCuMx0r2s7oAk4846I7omMlFcgSVrFjwd2R9sjbogRgaAjnWEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds