
Was curious if you noticed that having a high needs baby makes you want to isolate more. I'm already pretty introverted and am a HSP. Which makes me more of a homebody and naturally more overstimulated. But no human is a island and even the most introverted of us still needs companionship and new fun experiences. Unfortunately with the lack of sleep and constant needs from my baby I am finding it hard to make friends and venture to new places on my own. We moved to a new place with no close friends or family so it's been pretty challenging. Just wanted to send love to the other Mama's out there feeling a little lonely. You are doing so great!!
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I feel the exact same. You’re both so beaut xx

My now 6 year old was high needs and it was tough. I am a SAHM as well and when my husband had to work I would feel alone. It’s always been hard for me to make lasting friendships, I start to think it’s just me… idk. I try to stay focused on my blessings rather than the negative side of things.

@SeptemberBaby💓🤰🏼💙🌈 Oh thank you so much. That warms my heart💓

@Megan Does your sweet 6 boy still have a high needs temperament?

@Natalie oh boy yes!! He def needs so much of my of my time after a school days, and beyond! Ya know I remember bringing him in when he was a baby and wouldn’t stop crying, our pediatrician told us that he was just a high needs baby. And then offered to watch him if we needed a break! It was everyday 24/7, couldn’t lay him down, always at the boob, always needing me every dang second of the day. It was EXHAUSTING😩 To this day he is my little baby boy… completely different from my firstborn. Ans still just as needy as day one! Can you believe he still sleeps in bed with me? Just keep chucking along girl! You got this ?

Oh wow, i am glad i came across with your post. Made me feel less alone! I am the same.

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