Thank you so much
My boy is the same age 🥰 Definitely watch for their cues to be ready. I’d get a potty seat for your toilet rather than their own little toilet. We slowly tried at 2.5 but it was cold weather then so didn’t push it. In November he wanted to be naked all the time so I started properly at home end of November, went on a holiday early Dec but when we came back home it took a few days and he was trained during the day. I’m not rushing night time training as he still likes to drink milk and water before bed. Not for everyone but I did buy a few bags of jelly beans so he got a treat after going to the toilet. As above, we had been using pull ups for a while too during the day. He now goes to the toilet himself, takes his undies off, cleans himself and even persists to use the big toilet without his seat which makes it easier when we go out too 😊
He is getting to the point where he is interested in down there takes his nappy off and stuff so I’m thinking he is ready?
Hey! So I've just started TT my 3 year old. First step is getting a potty, and make it exciting! Get him a peppa pig potty or whatever he's interested in! Play with his toys round the potty and show him how to sit on it. Maybe place his pull ups next to it, so he associates nappy changes with potty. Leave his nappy off and when he tiddles, say "good boy, let's use the potty" it will be messy and there will be accidents, but try not to scould or tell him off when this happens, as he may back track all together and associate weeing with negativity. After a few times, he'll realise the potty is for weeing. Use pull ups If you aren't already, and get him used to pulling them up and down, and pulling them down when using the potty, even if he doesnt go, just the act of pulling the nappy down and sitting on the potty is where you want to be. It's all very tidieous and slow, but it will fall together pretty quickly with persevering. I leave my sons nappy off completely when we're home xxxx