As a L&D nurse, I would recommend discussing your wishes with your nurse upon arriving at the hospital. You can even write down a birth plan, there are many examples online. Your nurse will be with you the entire time and if shift change occurs, she will relay your wishes to the oncoming shift. She will be your advocate (like a doula would be) and be able to be a buffer between you and a possibly pushy OB. At the end of the day, your baby will be delivered in the safest way possible and have the birth he or she needs, not the one you necessarily plan since you really can’t plan for everything. When writing your birth plan, focus on your values rather than trying to include your decision for every situation, you can’t possibly account for each situation. Become informed about general/common procedures such as: pain management, episiotomies, oxytocin PP, vit K injection for baby.. to name a few. Good luck mama! You’re already more prepared than you think !! ☺️
If you have timez read Ina Mays guide to chikd birth or The Birth Partner by Penny simkin. I agree, don't go to the hospital until you absolutely have to. Also educate yourself on what a typical hospital birth g may look like so you can be aware of what you are okay with beforehand