Hi, speaking from experience you need to wake her up earlier. Whether that be an hour before, just do it. Don’t worry about breakfast, give her something in the car like belvita biscuits and milk or perhaps even get her in for breakfast club. At this age if she really hates school this much I’d be asking some serious questions as to why. Nursery should be fun. Hope it works out for you and yes, by year 1 they absolutely can’t be late otherwise they will miss half of their first lesson. Good luck :) x
Do you mean pre-school rather than school? I have an Aug 2019 born and she isn’t due to start school until Sept 2023? (Although I’m deferring her a year). How late is late? Are we taking 10 mins? Half hour? An hour? What is her sleep like? Does she still wake at night? Take naps during the day?