No but I did suffer with awful pain in my wrist for a couple of months. The same wrist that had the cannula. The pain has settled and gone away now. I could even drive (manual) it was so bad. Not sure if it's got anything to do with labour /birth but no back pain...yet.
@Charm YES the cannula was probably more uncomfortable than the labour, i ended up crying my eyes out and having to ask them to take it out (after i’d given birth) because i couldn’t take it anymore
I had to have two epidurals during my labour😭 I think it has defiantly affected my back since.
yes, and specifically, lower back/tailbone pain where I didn't have it before
@Chloe I also had 2 epidurals and my back is so bad 😭
@Charm omg I literally have the same thing but I thought it was my carpal tunnel getting worse
@Chloe oh stop no way, mine failed and I was 10cm so I had to just push
Well I’ll start off by saying I always had back pain due to scoliosis but after the epidural I would have these terrible muscles spasms in my back and i get back pains from just sitting sometimes
Just tried my first epidural with baby girl & it was horrible. I'd rather go all natural like i did for my first 2 then try that again. It didn't work while in labor at all & I got horrible spasms in my lower/mid back for about the first month pp. Will never be doing that again!
My mom had 4 kids and 3 is all natural and the last one she got it and she said it messed up her back so bad. She warned me and I didn’t listen and I do have back problem.
Holy shit, I’ve been asking this question for months! I’ve got a 10 month old now had an epidural and had an emergency c section. I suffer from the WORST lower back pain. It’s so bad sometimes I can’t stand up. Absolutely agonising, & I’ve been pondering for ages whether the epidural was the cause!
I still am 😕 though l pushed but l was given epidural because things were looking like emergency c section which never happened.
yes but it went away every time, i’m 1 week PP and it’s fine now
I do but because my coccyx was dislocated and facing the wrong way for 2 years after. Waiting on surgery to remove it.
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Still do now afta four kids
Yes and I still suffer with it
I was evaluated for potential signs of sezieurs after mine bc I was in the middle of pitocin induced contractions and couldn't stop moving/ shaking. They fished for 40 minutes and I swear it caused scar tissue or something but it made me have really bad staring problem
@Leah The same happened to me.. I wish they’d check my cervix before giving it to me 😔
Can I tick yes for my bestie?? She does
This is why I didn’t get them with all three. Worst pain of my life but I don’t have long term back pain thankfully
You can suffer from back pain literally after being pregnant and giving birth idk how you'd prove it was the epidural...
Yes!!😩 I still feel the pinch on my back from where it was inserted and twitch whenever that area is touched. Natural birth was always my first option but I ended up needing to get a epidural/c section. My SO massages me before bed and I rub Vicks on to manage it 🙂
I have a sore spot in my back where the epi was placed
Wat bout stiches under neath belly ,that still irrating
I’m due in October and reading all the stories of the ladies past experiences I am now gonna go all natural no epidural. I don’t wanna have to live with spasms and back pains. Thank you! 👍🏻
With my first 3 perfectly fine. I got to my 4th and have had terrible back pain in the certain area ever since. I’m very delicate and sensitive and at times it aches. Also , the bump where he shot me is still there. I can barely bend in that spot too long without it going ham.
@Megan I have done three non medicated births because of fearing the epidural. You can do this 👌🏻
@Emily Thank you! I can do this ♥️
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yes it’s been four years and I still get back pain.
I got spinal Anesthesia and I'm in immense pain 1.5week post c sec
Yes! I didn’t actually get the epidural but they put the cap in ready but I couldn’t sit still to have it & the pain just by having that really hurts & specially having two kids as well it’s made it even worse x
I thought I am the only one that can experience that problem. I never had back problems ever and ever since I gave birth with an epidural my back is in pain
Oh yes this time (fourth time) was the worst for me I got poked six times took 1.45 minutes to do and my back was bruised black for a month
Back pain lasted a year and a half
3 over here so far. My first was with my eldest who is 23. My back has never been the same sinse.
Nope. No pain at all
Epideral will help with intense pain , is intense 😂. I don’t know any information scientific base that it will give you back pain .? Consult your doctor
It does
No but I had PTSD flashbacks from mine. It was really traumatic for me (literally went perfectly, could not have asked for a better nurse team to do it), however I couldn’t wear a backless shirt for over a year because if I felt the wind on my back I would have a PTSD flashback that was totally debilitating. Dreading my next one.
My back wasn’t the same for years after. I’m trying for a natural birth this time for that reason.
It’s the WORST!! I can barely hold my 8 lb baby without feeling like my back is being crushed 🤦🏾♀️ I can barely walk. I gave in because my contractions were 2 minutes apart and I wasn’t dilating. I tried fentanyl but it worked 30 minutes out of 4 hrs and I was stuck at 1cm and cytotec didn’t work for like 8 hrs🙄 if I could go back I would try something else Before making that choice.
Extremely & I’m still suffering. My minis are 1&2. Stretching doesnt even help me 😩
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it was the WORST! i was hunched over sobbing in more pain than i was when i was actually in labor. 7 months postpartum and i still can’t do things like mop the floor, absolutely destroys my back
I have some back pain but it’s not super terrible
Yep, regular sports massages are all that help me unfortunately. 2 c secs, my boys are 3 & 7
I'm gunna run my butt back to Lymphatic drainage and cupping so key
took me about a year to fully recover from the agonizing pain. could hardly ever bend over to pick up my daughter. had to see a spine specialist and many drs and a chiropractor after getting one.
i have back pain anyway😂 but can’t remember a specific pain where i was certain it was from the epidural