You can do it!!
You can do it!!! 👍
@Maja ty 😊
@Jackie ty 😊
@Anya ty 😊
Good luck. You got this 👍
Honey sticks helped me. Not sure if you have them where you are. The plastic sticks of honey that you put in tea. I would chew on one when I had a craving and there’d be the satisfaction of sweetness. And then I’d chew on the empty straw. There are lots of different flavors.
@Claire ty 😊
@Jackie hmmmm not sure I'll have to take a look around ty 😊I'll definitely try if I can find them
Hi! I used to be a chain smoker. I came to the realization that not only i was highly addicted but it had also become something that i did out of boredom/ anxiety tick. So i started to try something new in place of it. They sell these nicotine free vapes, they taste nice and helped me cope with the itch to want to go smoke ( I don’t use them any more). I also stayed away from anyone that smoked like they had the plague 😅 First couple of months I definitely wanted to give in but stay strong! That feeling goes away I promise 💕 Ps. I may or may not have sniffed a cigarette for comfort too 🥸😅 (crackhead energy i know but we did it ok 😂)
@Laura ty 😊
@Grey ty 😊 I can't vape I've tried n n lol on that last part ur a funny girl 🤣
Just be careful of weight gain- find some healthy snacks to snack on- dried fruit, trail nuts etc because smokers who quit replace the hand motion for snacking so choose what you snack on wisely when you do replace it w smoking. And find a hobby that uses hands/fingers to keep them busy also. But other than that Good luck!! You can do this 🙌 make sure you’ve got someone in your life fully supportive and that you can keep accountable to!
@Kellie ty hunnie I will definitely keep that in mind I have 4 kids so they do keep me busy n hubby who quit smoking so he keeps incurring me n telling me I can do this n I got this ty for the support 😊
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Trusted by 5M+ women
Good luck
@Connie ty 😊
@LaTanya ty 😊
Good luck! Keep us updated. 🙂
Good luck l quit 2 years ago its tough but you will get there. I swear by the nicorette lozenges.
Good luck