Thank you I really appreciate you replying and with helpful tips.🤎🤎
I have a 12yr old. Ive had to backtrack with the phone thingy. I hear ya!!
My son will be 12 next month. He has it worse than my daughter tho so I ended up getting an app called family link that I can control how long mine play on theirs and it sets time limits on their phones. I take them to the public library as well every two weeks. They have to read it and we discuss it once it’s finished. I try and take them for small hikes and get them outdoors. We also have a pond and a cabin. My daughter loves to go fishing but he would rather ride four wheelers through the trails. I recently got a lil racket ball net and put outside he loves for me to play with him on it.
My daughter is 11 and I definitely understand where you're coming from what the obsession with the phone. We only allow her to use it a couple hours out of the day and only after homework is finished and her phone is used as a punishment as well depending on what action the behavior was. Message me if you want to talk more.
Heyyy Mama!! You are not alone. I too had this issue with my 11 yr old daughter at the beginning of the school year. We’ve come a long way since then lol but things I did to help implement changes were I did not completely cut her off from her devices I instead limited her screen time to just the weekends for about 2 hours per day. I also went ahead and signed her up for different activities so this past year she did music lessons, basketball, and Drama club, with the weather getting nice I would also suggest outdoor activities like walks going to the park etc. This should hopefully help with her with getting some in person socialization going!