Sleep Questions

My first question is if anyone uses a baby tracker app for sleep and which one, why? Who follows wake windows, is it important? If you’re timing a nap and your LO wakes up when you transfer them from a contact nap, do you pause the time if longer than 5 minutes? How do the pauses work if so? Are you waking your LOs at a set time in the morning? I have a now 12 week old who usually goes to bed around 9pm, takes 5 naps a day with one being short around 7pm. She wakes up 2x at night, 1am and 4am, but that 4am is hard to get her back to sleep. Does anyone have any recommendations to help get her to 6 or 7 am? The late bedtime and early mornings are killing me
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Im using Huckleberry and it’s pretty good with wake windows and tracking naps and night time sleep

Early morning wakes can be an indication of overtired or an under tired babe. Wake windows for a 12 week old is an average or 1.5-1.75 hours. Wake windows are averages. But it gives us a good idea of their routine during the day. Is the room dark enough? Are there nosies in the environment inside or outside? Enough stimulation and movement during the day?

@Aleni the room at night is dark enough, we work shift work and have black out curtains. I think she may be overtired, but I believe she has enough stimulation. We usually do tummy time, she plays under her play gyms, we talk and play with her. Should I do more outside time? We usually do a walk every other day/every 3 days.

She also seems to always want a 2+ hour wake window. I follow her cues but it looks like she always has a long one. Today was 1.75/2.25/1.5/2 Also, how does anyone run errands when following these schedules? She seemed to sleep so much better 2 weeks ago before I even tried wake windows

Her best nights of sleep were when she barely took any naps 😩

@Aleni what if she wakes before the end of the nap? How long to I try to put her back to sleep? How long does the nap go on after?

It’s always good to get outside everyday if you can! If she slept better without you trying wake windows then go with your instincts and follow your intuition♥️ you know your babe best! And if her best night sleep was when she barely napped she might be a low sleep needs baby. Short naps are very common!

How is her mood when she wakes? If she’s still tired and grumpy try to see if you can extend her nap. If not try again later within that wake window frame. We would need a full assessment and sleep logs to really see what’s going on!

@Aleni I’ve been logging in huckleberry and baby tracker. She’s just all over the place. I feel like she slept better before I tried wake windows but I’m not 100% certain

Sleep is up and down in the first year!

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