What was your CM like a couple of days before your period was due, but you found you were pregnant

Hi guys, I wanted to ask what was your cm like when you are fertile and right before your period. Is your CM similar to egg white like an egg or watery? Mine is similar to egg white every month. I posted two combined pictures. One on CD 12 and one on CD 24, today. I took a pregnancy test today and it was negative. My period is due in 4 days. I normally don't have CM before my period, and I can't remember what it was the last time I was pregnant which ended in a miscarriage. Did your CM look like mine on CD 24 and you found out you were pregnant? I took femara/letrazole this cycle and am currently taking progesterone.
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Mine was white/cloudy

@Vee for which cycle day? 24?

I’m not sure because I did ivf

My AF is due sometime this week (just come off birth control in May) and I have been getting a ton of CM this week. It’s a mix of white and cloudy and thin and watery. It was more egg white around ovulation but not massively different. I have more CM now than I did around my positive OPK which is very strange. Last time I was pregnant was 11 years ago (miscarriage), and I can’t really remember the CM situation. Although this CM is not usual for me. Hopefully it turns out we are both pregnant. Good luck!

Hi, did you get pregnant after this??

@Swati, unfortunately, no. I thought I saw a faint line on pregnancy test, but then I started my period a day or two later

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