@Gina thanks for your suggestion and advise greatly appreciated
Always on high dose of Coq10 and we always produced top ranked embryos (last cycle 2 5AA both PGT normal and I’m 40). You can read ‘it starts with the egg’ very informative book about supplements that really do work for both you and your partner. Really helped us a lot.
@Wanyu that’s fantastic embryo quality. I will definitely look into this book thank you
Hi. My doctor had me on coq10 600mg, prenatal, fish oil, myo inositol faithfully daily. Also I started eating more fruits with beets to increase my iron. I would make smoothies. I tried eating healthier as well. Having more salads. I was doing all this for a few months before we dived into ivf this year. I used to always eat crappy and never really exercised. Doctor also had me do 30 minutes of something daily so I would walk/jog mostly walk lol about 1-3 miles depending how I felt that day.
Hey Zara, I took Dhea for 2 months, I was on coq10 took vitamin d, prenatal and I was taking melatonin as well. I was able to get 10 fertilized eggs and out of that 5 good embryos which I had genetically tested. I would suggest starting the vitamins and coq10 doing it for a minimum of 3 months and in total and then doing a retrieval.