Pregnant mamas

How are you pregnant ladies doing? How is your energy level with a “toddler” (hurts to call my baby a toddler). We won’t be trying until next year, we originally planned for the end of this year but we have some goals we want to accomplish. Therefore this mama cannot be off work for another 12-18 months on maternity leave. Let me/us live vicariously through y’all.
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Not great! Lol. I have the 14mo and my 5yo… then I work with kids usually 6 days a week. It’s rough out here 😂 Due on thanksgiving.

Honestly I’m 17 weeks right now with a little girl. My son has been great, not a fan of his wake schedule starting at 5am though…. My 6 year old is a lot of help though, so her and the toddler can play for an hour while I catch up on a nap

@Demmy omg!!! Congratulations!!

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