Failed propress pessary

Had my pessary inserted at roughly 3am last night… went to sleep and woke up at 5am with the worst period type cramps ever. But the more I was fussing around trying to go back to sleep I realized there was no breaks in between these pains and tightenings. They monitored me and found I was having way too many contractions and my uterus wasn’t resting, so they had to take the pessary out in the hope to easy amount of contractions, although the intensity reduced I was still having too many. They gave me an injection to reduce/stop contractions and now basically back to square one 🥲🥲
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Oh no 😢 What have they said now

I think this is super common with the propess! It happened to me and the injection didn’t stop the contractions, absolutely horrendous pain for 30 hours straight, hope you’re okay, keep positive🫶

@Humera that they’ll examine me later, and see if I’m open enough to have the baloon

@Alicia what happened after ? Xx

@Yasmin because the injections failed to stop the contractions I contracted continually for 30 hours until I had my little girl! Very slow start, took ages to get me to active labour but once I got there it all went very quick xx

@Alicia my contractions have calmed right down, feel so much better now xx

@Yasmin that’s good! Get some much needed rest, hope baby doesn’t keep you waiting too long🫶xx

@Alicia have a feeling she might, only slightly dilated after alll those contractions too🥴🥴xx

@Yasmin aww I know, it’s so frustrating, I found that with the pessary, you’re in so much pain contracting constantly and the cervix just doesn’t want to budge!! Xx


This happened to me too. The pessary ended up falling out with a contraction after 3 hours and as soon as it was out, the pain got so much more manageable- I’m so sorry this hasn’t helped you 😢

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