2 under 2?
I just had my baby boy in June and I didn’t think I would be ready to have another one so soon, however I think about having another baby almost everyday. It’s like I’m longing for it. Am I crazy? Did this feeling happen to anyone else? I miss pregnancy and feeling baby move and being able to be selfish and have baby all to myself.
Ahh I'm going through this exact thing! I just had my baby boy in June as well and I initially said I wanted to wait the 18 months but now I'm questioning trying again much sooner. I can't really explain the feeling except for how you described. Like a longing feeling and I'm going to miss out if I don't have another right this second 😅 I don't even think it's baby fever, it just feels right in my heart for some reason. Definitely odd. I'm glad I'm not the only one