My almost 2 yr wants only me but cries with me all the time, I don't know what to do
My nearly 2 year is having full on meltdowns with only me. But if my husband tries to hold her she freaks out even more for me.
She asks for something and I try to talk to her but she just starts crying and then screaming.
My husband is rightfully frustrated because she doesn't behave that way with him and he says it's because I baby her and let her get away with anything and don't communicate or "discipline" her. And I'm getting to my wits end where it takes everything inside me not to scream or walk away.
I try to talk to her but she just keeps crying until I finally distract her with something. My husband says I'm not being a parent and that I can't just distract her, that I have to communicate with her
I don't know what to do, it's happening multiple times a day and feels like it's getting worse!
And it's affecting my nearly 4 year old
I feel defeated and sad and frustrated and don't know how to parent
Probably just terrible twos. My son is always more fussy with me as I'm the primary caregiver. What worked for me was just letting him cry and sitting on the floor so he could hug me if he needed to but offered him nothing else until he stopped crying. Even after 10-20min. Just was there if he needed a hug and empathized with him that I know feelings are hard and it's okay. When he was done I'd play with him or whatever else. Giving him more autonomy to make decisions helped as well. I let him pick his clothes in the morning and at bedtime and offer other options of things throughout the day. It's helped him to have more control over his life I think. We still have some tantrums but he's gotten waaaaaayyy better. It was a rough go for a few months where I felt I could do no right.