@Leanne Thanks for reassuring me 😊. Does it make you really exhausted? I've been so tired with this pregnancy. Though I do have vitamin b12 defiency too so not sure if it's that and being pregnant or if it's something else. Xx
@Naomi it doesn't make me exhausted because fortunately it's managed. As soon as your medication level is correct you will fell like normal. You should only feel tired if the levels are too low. Ah if you have other deficiencies it might be that too but if you are being monitored that a good thing x
@Naomi of course, pregnancy itself it just exhausting! Lol so I mean as "normal" as a mum to be can be! Lol
I've had an underactive thyroid most of my life. My doctors have been great at monitoring it every 4-6 weeks and so far all good 👍🏾 everything will be OK 💜