I'm so sad but also happy?

For the last 2 years I have had the pleasure and joy of homeschooling my children. This year my children are going back to public school. I am going to start putting in job applications next week. I am worried about how they will do. I am worried about where I will work and if I will make enough money. I am worried about my marriage. I know I am walking in the direction I have been called but there is so much I don't know and I am grieving what was. Everywhere I look I keep seeing the message to wait on God's time. To be patient and trust and know that He is with me. Constantly, several times a day I run across this message. I just needed a place to share. It is confusing to be both sad at what was , worried about what is to come and thankful that God sees fit to bless me with His presence.
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Hi Rose!! Public school can be scary. I don’t blame you for having worries. I can’t say it’s gonna be all sunshine and rainbows but whatever you go through God always has a way of using our struggles and trials to glorify Him and to show us His presence throughout!! I just started homeschooling for my 13 year old girls and that in itself is a struggle. But even when I doubted God opened doors. Just trust in Him.

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