Age gap
I will have 13 months of an age gap between my first and second. My son is very calm and easy going and has only started to become more sensitive and needy. I brestfed him but he weaned himself during my pregnancy with no issues. He is fairly bonded to both my partner and I but I'm worried how he will adapt. I spend majority of my weekdays alone at home with him just the two of us so it has become very normal for him to have all my attention. Does anyone have any tips or advice with similar age gaps.
I don't have experience... but I have a 14 month old and expecting our 2nd any day now... I know our first will need to slightly adjust, but she is still so young, so I actually think she will adjust faster than an older toddler might... plus she won't know any different soon enough, and it will just become her new 'norm' having a little sister. It's going to be hectic, but I really can't wait!!!