@Kirstin thank you, she is who gives me the strength to keep going. I tried being as amicable as possible with her dad but he has made it very difficult. I can't pay the mortgage on my own but I'd rather him move out then have my baby witness us not getting along. I really hope the best for you and your child. These are very unfortunate situations. 😕
Sometimes showing them a healthy co-parent situation is better than showing them a loveless relationship ❤️
@Kirstin yes, I keep reminding myself that we set the example for them. If they see us in an unhealthy relationship, they will think it's normal and seek the same later in life and I would hate for that to happen. I'm worried about coparenting though. He is very angry and not willing to communicate with me. Hopefully with time it gets better.
I'm an immigrant myself, more than happy to chat. As I feel in the same situation. Pray that things will get better.
hey hun i’ve been through something similar.. please reach out to me.. sorry you’re going through this! x
I am so sorry your going through this, I don’t have any words of advice as I’m in a very similar position although my ex still lives in the house with me and my 1yo as we can’t decide on how to pay the mortgage. Remember you are strong, you’ll make it through with your baby girl! That’s who your fighting for now ❤️