I don't...but my brain is so far into baby world when I saw the header of your post I thought pamper nappies....what's a pamper nappy appointment 😳🤣
Had my hair cut colour and gel toe nails done. Good for the mental health to have a bit of pampering! After all we go through xx
@Charlotte same here 😂😂 shows where our heads are at right now!
I'm getting a Mani Pedi tomorrow, just going to wear my bub and feed there if he wakes
I had my hair done today 🥰 it was majorly needed. I cannot pull off the kim k roots 😂
I had my hair done last week. Had highlights redone. Left little one with my mum. Fed him before with view he would be ok until after. I fell asleep when they were washing my hair!
I had my lashes done last week and honestly feel so much better for it, left him with my mum (she’s the only one I’d trust him with other than my husband if not more than my husband 😂) but I think it’s important we look after ourselves too, I often find if I look better I feel better even if I am sleep deprived but it’s obviously what you’re comfortable with - is there anyone you could leave your little one with even for 20 mins/half an hour and just go on a mini walk to see if you’re comfortable leaving them with someone before you commit to an appointment for your lashes? X