Shaking episodes
Iv been to the doctors today and they are writing a letter to the hospital but I have no idea what’s going off!
My LG has had a shaking moment once a week for the past 3 weeks now I thought the first time was a strange one off (7 seconds)then it happened again (5 seconds)and I spoke with the HV she told me of it happens again to contact doctor
Sunday afternoon well having a bottle and drifting to sleep I could feel her heart beating a little quick but she had been really fussy waiting for bottle to be made as she was drinking it and going to sleep her whole body shook for 7 seconds wasn’t a fit or jurking just shook I tried to record it but wasn’t quick enough and then she stopped like nothing happened and shortly after had a nap
Doctor told me if it lasts longer or she goes blue pale to rush to the hospital(I know this)
The shaking is like when we have a shiver nothing to think she’s having an epileptic fit no eye rolling or sharp movements
I have no idea what’s going off she’s a happy heathy baby just these little shaking episodes
My little one has done this a few times always when feeding (I exclusively breastfeed). I googled it and it came up with Sandifer syndrome which is caused by acid reflux. My little one is on Gaviscon for reflux so I do think it's probably that. I asked the health visitor about it but they didn't know what I was talking about and didn't think it was anything to be concerned about...