I'm so happy I'm getting induced for this specific reason
34 weeks 4 days today
@Devonna I'm 34 weeks and 3 days today 🙌🏽
2 weeks. 38 weeks today!!
@Nataly you due on the 28th ?
@Devonna yup!
I’m 36 weeks today
35 weeks and 5 days today! We might have a scheduled c section at 39 weeks if he’s still breech.
38 weeks and 3 days... counting down the days at this point!
15 days! My OB thinks I am going to go early so I’m just hoping I can make it to October
5 weeks, October 29th due date. Hoping she holds off until Halloween though, I've always wanted a Halloween baby.
@Iryanna my baby brother is October 30😭 sometimes they can’t wait and other times there stubborn
I’m 35 weeks & 4 days , 4 weeks and 3 days left
4 weeks and 6 days till due date. I've went into early labor twice now that stopped itself, so we will see.