It’s been 6.5 months since my miscarriage. Thanks girl! Trying to stay positive and not worry but it’s really hard
Yes! I thought about it more when I got my positive but then I distracted myself a little which helped and I am taking progesterone so that made me feel better. It is a difficult one as you go through the trauma but you also need to enjoy your pregnancy! You can always message me if you like! Congratulations 🌈🤍
@Ozge Thanks girl!
I just posted an almost identical message. Nice to know I'm not alone. I'm hoping and praying for healthy pregnancies for all of us ❤️
How long after your miscarriage did you get a positive? Just curious for myself. Sending you all the positive vibes. It’s hard to be pregnant after loss but the good news is that the likelihood of a successful pregnancy is much much higher than the likelihood of a second miscarriage. I have many friends who went on to have a successful next pregnancy. Rooting for you!