We also found that having her sleep with no socks helped reasled her body heat better, and we've had a lot less sweating since! Hope this helps 🤍😁
I think it's normal
My daughters the same! When she was really warm we would just put her in a light sleep sack wearing just a diaper and socks and then before we went to bed and her room cooled down a bit we would change her into jammies and a sleep sack
Thank you mamas!! ❤️❤️
My daughter is the exact same way! When discussing it with my doctor, I was told it's completely normal! Sweating is our body's way of flushing out toxins and bacteria ! My girl was sweating buckets, so I started putting a lighter blanket, but then she was waking up cold. We switch back to a normal blanket for her, and she sweats, but she's warm and sleeps like a charm! If the room temperature is normal and kiddos in good health, sweating while falling asleep could just be a sign that his body's working to flush properly! :)