My LO is 22 months and is up between 7:20-7:40am, naps from 12:30-2pm and is down at night at 7:30/7:45
My girl sleeps 8.30 pm to 6.30 am. 1.5 h nap. Never been a good sleeper and going to bed was always an exercise for us :))
I also go by - she is happy, not fussy, not cranky or showing signs of being tired.. she is on the lower level of norm, but based on her development she is good.. hence i guess that is what she needs
My daughter gets up between 7-8am and has a nap depending on day but usually by 12 (takes at least 30mins for her to fall asleep) and on a good she will sleep till about 2pm (so at least 1.5hrs ) and I put her to bed between 7:30 and 8 pm she is 23months old (3 weeks away from her second bday)
Not sure what’s average but my daughter is in bed by 7:15pm and sleeps until 7 or 8am. For naps she sleeps from 12:00-1:30 every day 😊