Pooping took my son almost 6 months to master 😅 he’s the only one out of 3 that I had that problem with tho!
Mine absolutely refused until we turned it into a prize game. Every time he managed to poop even just a little one he got to draw a ticket for a random dollar store prize (play dough, match box car, sucker, etc) and it worked. Good luck 🍀
Mine refuses. I've tried prizes still nothing. She is in panties unless asleep. She will go in the panties or pull up during nap or bed time and will pull it out and throw in the floor.
Give it sometime. My son is 5. He still not potty trained at night. He still has accidents with poop and don’t understand that belly pains are a sign that he needs to poop
Same no poop yet she will hold it till I put a diaper on for bedtime and go! My daughter pees all the time on the toilet tho. I’m just waiting for my chance to catch her pooping and rush her to the toilet. I just get too tired around 8pm and run out of energy to deal with anything
@Nina this comment is the exact thing my daughter does!!!!!
Currently dealing with this , had to give him an enema just so he would finally let it out ....least favorite part of potty training, refuse to poop in the toilet lol
I have ur tried a potty chart where he gets a sticker on the chart when he uses the potty maybe two stickers if he poops and after a certain amount he gets a prize from the prize box for my son I added fun prizes where he would want to earn like candy cars bubbles stickers play dough etc
If you have tried and he refuses, its most likely he will do it on his own soon. My daughter didn’t poop either for a while until she started letting me know she has to go I stopped putting on diaper and she had no choice.
I'm going thru that with my daughter currently