Weight gain

I’m struggling so bad with the weight gain and body confidence!!!! My thighs have always been my insecurity and now even more so😩 Have other people gained weight? I’m just sick of the Instagram models that have a bump and nothing else and praying to look like them. Getting me down!
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I put on 3 stone to date through eating rubbish and not exercising, and felt my thighs were getting a bit fluffy. I have been making a point of walking every day to keep them a bit toned (and trying to keep up good habits) At the end of the day though we are pregnant and will be experiencing swelling, fluid retention etc, just a normal part of our journey ❤️ I know it's hard not to compare yourself to others, but we all carry our weight, babies etc differently. Be proud of your body growing your little buba

34 weeks and gained almost 3 stone. I feel gross, but I'm just trying to make it to the end now and deal with it after!! Xx

I’ve gained quite a bit of weight everywhere including my thighs. I’m going to loose it once baby has arrived but trying not to worry about it whilst I’m still pregnant. Don’t forget your body stores extra fat to prepare for breast feeding and it’s healthy to put weight on during pregnancy. 🤍

i’ve not gone on the scales although I can tell from my face and legs i’ve put on weight. I’m still walking the dog daily but do less than I used to as been banned from the farm basically. Thank god it’s winter so big baggy clothes are in!

I lost 6 stone before getting pregnant (IVF baby on board). I looked so slim and I was super happy in my body at long last, I don't even know how much I've gained throughout being pregnant but my attitude is I'm growing a human which has always been my goal ♥️ I'll deal with the weight issue once she's here and we're in a routine. It is hard seeing myself everyday looking almost the same as I did before losing that 6 stone but s**t happens 😊 xx

I put on 3 stone in my last pregnancy 😂. That’s how much heavier I was 6 week post partum but it came off fairly easily over the next 4 months with just a light bit of pram walking and I was genuinely still enjoying my food as well. I wouldn’t worry!

I’m 26kg up and was a size 8/10 before and only 5 ft 3 :( very sad

I'm up 25kg lool my mom said she gained 30 with me 🤣 (we're both 5'4 lol) It got to my head for a bit but I've just decided that this isn't the time to stress it and stress doesn't burn calories so I'll just take care of it at a time when it's safe to lose weight and when I'm feeling a bit more like myself 😄

I’m 38 weeks and gained 3 stone. I’ll deal with it whenever I’m ready after baby. I’m not even going to beat myself about it. We are carrying a wonderful miracle and our bodies have gone through so much in this 9 months ♥️♥️

Awful with my body at the moment, I’m 34+3 and I feel so insecure. It’s really effecting my sex life too cause I just don’t feel in the slightest bit sexy and I feel like my other half thinks the same even though he doesn’t. All I keep thinking is “I can’t wait to loose this weight when she’s here” which is awful cause it’s growing something so amazing and it’s such a blessing!

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