Vest thing you can do is get your parents to write you a letter stating they're evicting you on x date and use that with the application usually it's best to have a immediate eviction date and they will ring your parents and get them to agree to keep you there till you have a place. As for the divorce state to the council you will be divorcing your husband immediately as soon as you have the funds so that way they don't include him and his income
You can apply but it's not a quick option I've been waiting 5 years roughly and still waiting
@YazmynJade thank you, will the letter cause any affect to my parents? Also will they question my husband about divorce, don't want him to know or else he won't pay for my kids needs. I can't afford anything now :(
Because of your situation you should be a higher priority of moving house. Give it a shot. There is benefits out there that will help with the cost of the housing. Talk to Jon centre.
i would definitely say so, just apply, they will either accept or decline, ne and my partner got one 2 bedroom while i was pregnant x