I am also ebf and baby will be three weeks on Thursday I gave him a dummy from day 1 and haven’t had any issues. He often will take it to help him settle but I always offer a feed first. We find it’s especially helpful in the car, he is t much a fan of his car seat
I have a 4 week old, introduced a dummy around 2.5 weeks and he’s still breastfeeding fine. 👶🏼💙
Also bear in mind that your lo might not want it :) Weve tried 5 different ones and she hated all of them 🥲
Thank you all! I am just nervous as breastfeeding is going well and don’t want to do anything that might stop that for us!
I gave my baby a Dummy within the first week and I EBF and he's fine with latching just depends on the baby I guess
I have a toddler so can’t hold my newborn much during the day. I give her a dummy when I need to put her in the moses basket for a nap as it helps send her to sleep