Induction Pain

Hi everyone! Started the pessary for my induction at 11:30am and by 3pm started feeling intense “period like pains” and needing to go poo a lot! Sorry for the details… did anyone experience this with their induction and does this mean they’ll be able to break my water soon? Thanks!
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Very normal to get the pains it’s a good sign that things are progressing however they won’t know if they can break your waters until they next examine you and see if you’re dilated enough. They broke mine at 2cm so just depends on hospital rules

Yea all very normal I had this with mine, my waters were broken within 4 hours and I was offered an epidural for the pain which was a life saver x

For me they gave me cervidil 2x and then decided to put the balloon in. Once I was dialated enough for the balloon to come out on its own my water broke partially by itself. Then later on after my epidural my water broke again completely on its own. So in my case they didn’t have to break my water for me.

I had balloon and struggled with intense period pains and when checked I had dilated well so guessing if your feeling pain then it’s doing something x

I got intense pains immediately after , started at 11ish and by 4 by my waters had broke x

Yep my waters broke themselves after these sorts of pain for 7 hours x

When you dialate they will break your water

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