
Pessary was placed in yesterday at 12pm whilst I was 1cm, woke up and it’s still in place - do we think this means I probably haven’t dilated as it hasn’t fell out?🫣
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Course not - I had mine put in at 1cm - you have it in for the full 24 hours and if it falls out they should put it back in. After 24hours I am now 3cm dilated and ready to have my waters broken 😊

mine never fell out and they took it out when i was 5cm, so means nothing, i slept through the whole thing too x

Aw you’ve given me hope girls!🤞🏻 hopefully my little girl decides to wants today to be her birthday!🤣x

@Saskia fingers crossed! try keep active or if theres a bath on the ward get in that itll help x

Mine fell out they put it back in but baby wasn’t coping so was removed again but it sent me into natural labour xx

So I’ve progressed to 2cm but my cervix is now paper thin and really soft she said. I’m having quite strong, regular contractions so they don’t want to give me another propess or the gel just yet and want to see how I progress on my own. Fingers crossed!!

@Saskia keep moving, go find some stairs and walk up and down x

@Charlee yeah we’ve just went for a walk around the grounds! However my contractions have come to a halt now, haven’t had one since before going on the walk☹️ xx

@Saskia do some stair walking, get your partner to her hold you and go down the stairs sideways taking big steps xx

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