Incontinence in pregnancy?!
I’m 20 weeks with my second baby, first LO is 15 months. I wouldn’t say I was 100% strict with doing pelvic floor exercises but I did do them sometimes and I feel like I could generally hold my bladder (although a bit less than before, nothing crazy).
Now since being pregnant I have noticed a massive difference!! When I’m coughing or jumping etc I am literally leaking, even when I have been to the toilet quite recently before. I often have to wear a pad now because it’s so bad.
I’ve starting doing more kegels again now but it’s making me seriously worried for after number 2 what it’s going to be like!!
Is this normal or should I be doing more about this?
I’m exactly the same!! Have just been googling before coming on here to see if anyone is experiencing the same. I’m 21 weeks and using a pad. I’m opting for an elective c section this time (took alot of deciding and back and forth to come to that decision) but due to my birth with my first I had an episiotomy and a 4th degree tear I have been made aware that if I have the same birth this time I could become incontinent permanently so wasn’t worth the risk