I decided to. Definitely was feeling very very pressured into it. And when my daughter seemed to be uninterested and it wasn’t working out on my personal end (not enough milk) I felt like a really bad mother. But long as your baby is growing, eating well, and happy, I’d say it’s a valid option.
I did at first but then remembered that I was also bottle fed when I was a baby. Also thought that it would be best for me mental and physically to bottle feed him so my partner can also help. Also helps with going back to work and shift pattens I don’t have to worry about my little one not feeding properly and not taking a bottle. In all I feel like I’m making the right decision for everyone including the baby, but it’s your decision and your choice and no one can tell you any different x
I feel the exact same Lucy! My reasons for changing my mind is I know I will struggle mentally with it all on me. With speaking to other mums, it’s really demanding and you can be sitting there for hours on end and it’s difficult to catch a break to even go and do something for yourself like going to get your nails done or anything. There’s so much pressure on ‘breast is best’ but I also know a happy mum is a happy baby. I’m hoping to breast feed for a couple of weeks but trying not to give myself too much of a hard time if it doesn’t work out xx
You can absolutely do whatever is best for you, no judgement at all. But you can also be open to (and prepared for) both options and just go with whatever you feel best with at the time. I knew I wanted to breastfeed but I thought I would feel weird about it, it was a completely different feeling and experience to what I was expecting. Anyway, good luck with whatever you choose ❤️
All 6 of my kids were bottle fed. Don’t let others pressure you or make you feel guilty, you do whats best for you. Fed is best. Xx
Fed is best - whatever choice you make. But just from my experience I found breastfeeding way easier than bottle feeding! Didn’t have to prep or prepare anything when we went out for the day - just needed my boob! Saved lots of money on all the bottles and sterilisers and formula etc. I didn’t feel particularly tied down by the feeding - I still went and got my nails done, went to the gym, got my hair done etc (although yes couldn’t do any overnights away from the baby until she was 6+ months and started weaning). Just one thing to bear in mind - my baby wouldn’t take a bottle - no matter what or how we tried. So my advice would be wait til baby arrives and just see what works for you both. And don’t feel guilty about whatever choice you make! You’ll know your baby (and yourself) best.
Fed is best, no matter what you decide to do! You’re not being selfish at all!
@Elizabeth sorry to butt in but please can I ask a quick question? With your baby refusing a bottle, how did you manage time away from her eg for gym, hair appts etc? Did you use a cup? My baby is 4 months old, EBF and refuses bottles, it’s tough going!
First of all- whatever you think will work best for you is your best option, period. Second of all- if you are still interested in breastfeeding, consider combo feeding! That’s what I do. It’s doesn’t necessarily have to be an either or type scenario. I breastfeed when I can, pump when I can, and top him off with formula! You will still get many benefits from breastfeeding. It’s been working well for me. My husband feeds him all the time. I can pump and leave bottles in the fridge for him or he can do a bottle of formula because my baby takes either just fine. He has been combo fed since he came out of the hospital and topping him up with some formula greatly helped clear his jaundice. Good luck and either way, no guilt necessary! I was a formula baby myself and I turned out just fine.
@Hana we did try an open little cup and didnt have any luck (but some babies manage it). I think I just made sure I was only ever out a couple of hours max and fed baby before I went and as soon as I get back. I guess it depends how often they’re feeding but I never felt like I couldn’t get out for an hour or two. (And my partner knew where I was so in an emergency could bring baby to me - but this never happened and they were always fine when I got back).
I didn’t even entertain the idea of breastfeeding with my first born! Didn’t even try! He’s perfectly healthy now and no ‘worse off’ than his friends who were breastfed! I’m currently 32 weeks with my second and I’ve said this time I’m going to try breastfeeding, but if it doesn’t work or I find it uncomfortable I’m swapping straight to formula! Not even going to stress myself out over it as I know from my first born, he will still be healthy and happy xx it’s nobody’s business how you feed your baby as long as they are fed 🩷 x
I felt the exact same way when my daughter was born! I found it so mentally and physically challenging and I just felt like me and my baby were getting stressed from it. She is now bottle fed and is 100% more Happy and is growing at the right rate for her weight at birth
Just to add to the advice above, I breastfed my first until he was 1 but he still has the most amazing bond with his dad - he made more of an effort to do nappy changes, burping etc, and he does bath and bed time every single night. Do what's right for you but feeding boob v bottle won't prevent an amazing bond 😊
I was bottle fed.. my daughter was breastfed.. we were both fed and healthy! You choose what’s best for you and your baby in your opinion. You can’t make a wrong decision! No need to ever explain to anyone the way your baby is eating and getting their nutrients. It was never a topic of conversation 10 years ago, no clue why it is now. Don’t stress and enjoy your precious baby!