Night shifts

Hi All, I was just wondering if anyone could help me with a question, I’m currently around 10 weeks pregnant and in my job I do night shifts and I was just wondering if it is safe to do nights or should I ask my boss to change my shifts. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
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I’m not sure of your health situation or if you’re high risk. But I did work in retail early in my pregnancy. But I did stop in the middle of it due to another job. I’d say if your job isn’t hard labor, you can keep doing nights. But as you get further along, you can switch to day shift. That way you can relax after work. Also not sure if you guys get differential pay for nights, so that’s another reason to wait before you switch to day so you can save some more money before the baby.

I don’t have a for sure answer so please don’t take my 2 cents very seriously but I’ve had 2 coworkers that both worked 12 hour nightshifts basically their whole pregnancy until they switched to dayshift towards the end for their own sake of trying to get more sleep. They both delivered beautiful healthy babies. One mainly just said her morning sickness was more like all day sickness but so is most pregnancies including mine. I think it’s what you personally are able to handle but I’d definitely recommend trying to get good amounts of sleep regardless if you’re able!

I worked night shifts until 20weeks and then my boss took of shift. I think it depends what you're job is, I'm an engineer so looking after machinery and they didn't want me on nights alone. I don't think nightshift alone are a problem

I work night shift until 19/20 weeks and then switched to the evening shift as it was hard to stay up all night when I was already exhausted from pregnancy. Also the night shift was one staff whereas the evening is 2 staff so switching helped me have help at work.

I don’t think there’s anything unsafe about it, it doesn’t matter what time of day you work. I’d just see how you feel and if it’s beginning to get challenging, maybe look at changing shifts

@Abbie i will say once your work place know you are pregnant they should do a health and safety assessment with you present so can raise any concerns, you should have mulitple throughout your pregnancy or you can request them.

The only thing that I would be concerned with is if you have PCos and high stress then not getting that proper sleep could potentially increase your stress and affect your hormones. If you’ve healed the majority of your symptoms I wouldn’t be too worried though the lack of sleep and not sleeping according to your circadian rhythm does have negative effect regardless of whether it’s hard labour or a desk job. 💕

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