Toddler scratching kicking hitting
I’m not sure what to do. My toddler continues to scratch kick or hit when she’s angry.
We have tried everything and nothing is working.
Today she scratched a kid at daycare and left a mark. I’m so upset. I need her to stop.
Throw suggestions at me. Even if you think I tried. I might have missed something.
We’ve tried reinforcing no hitting.
It’s ok to be angry. It’s not ok to hit.
We can breathe. Stomp feet. Hit a pillow only.
We’ve tried focusing on feelings.
We’ve tried timeouts …. She laughs during time puts.
She’s almost 3. I feel sick to my stomach when we get calls from daycare. This happens around once or twice a month.
Pls help!
I remember my husband was struggling with this (our 2.5 year old girl would hit him in the face). He’d have a big reaction and it kept happening. I sent him this article which really helped. One of the biggest things was simply not to keep really calm. A reaction is a win for a toddler because they get attention.“No%2C,experiments%20will%20play%20themselves%20out.