Hey, so I have a 16 day old newborn and have absolutely loved being in our love bubble but we are now ready to get out and meet new mums and babies.
Where do you find the local classes etc for your babies, especially in London. I’m looking for both paid and free events 🤍
I just googled baby classes near me. I think baby sensory is a national thing. There are children’s centres near me so you cook check
If there’s one near you. Also your local library.
I just search for baby classes in x area. Always search for mums and tots in the area as well. Swimming lessons would be another thing you can do but most take you in at 3 months old.
I just googled baby classes near me. I think baby sensory is a national thing. There are children’s centres near me so you cook check If there’s one near you. Also your local library.