When there are more sad days crying than happy ones smiling. For a good amount of time, I’d say that’s a sign. If the pain of staying becomes greater than the pain of leaving, that’s another sign. But because there is a child involved, I’d suggest trying to make it work before calling it quits. I mean having regular appts with a couples counsellor. And you both putting in the work to make eachother happy.
Thank you for the advice 🙏🏼💜
You know it's over when you're asking for validation on your gut feeling that it's over
@Zipporah i wish I could do that. Every time i try to talk it out he gets annoyed & aggressive. He starts yelling even more and saying that he doesn’t want to talk. We had many many big fights, not just one.. I feel very stuck because he’s a good person. But im questioning myself if he’s a good husband or not.
@Zipporah we definitely do deserve a vacation… unfortunately we both don’t have any family that could watch our LO. We haven’t been on a date for a year. You are right!!
@Zipporah your advice is great. I will recommend that to him today. Thank you❤️
I think you know it's over, or at least ending, when you have to ask. Just know that a happy mom and dad is more important than a married mom and dad.