My 3 month old is doing the same thing I think it’s more of a sensory thing since they’re in the beginning stages of teething
For a baby that is eating and growing well, around 4-5 months they start getting very distracted during the end of their feeding. Socializing with you and looking around is more interesting than milk at 4-5 months. Adding a silicone nursing necklace that gives them something to play and look at can be very helpful.
Biting down often happens at the end of a feeding- watching them to see when they are less actively eating is the best way to help with biting. Taking them off when they aren’t really swallowing anymore helps prevent biting.
PED said baby may snack more than sit for a full feeding because they are easily distracted. And could be done eating, they get really proficient at emptying a boob at that age lol. Should be nothing to worry about.
My baby was born 10/13 too! 🥳🥳 She’s doing this a lot more often now, and if I’m eating a crunchy snack while feeding, she pulls off hard like this and wants to see what I’m doing. Way more distracted while eating
My son does this he’s 5 months, he chomped down yesterday and made me bleed 🤣😩 so watch out for that x
My little one does this for a number of reasons, sometimes it means she’s done feeding and wants it for comfort, that’s when I give her the dummy, she also does this if it’s not coming out fast enough or if it’s too fast. She also does this if there’s too much going on around us and gets distracted
Mine does that at 5 months ! I think he’s full / distracted x
At 3-4m they start realising there is a whole world around them, get easily distracted, for about 1.5m I had to feed in a quiet room, I couldn't say a word. It got better. As for biting, if she's latched, she can't bite. She has to unlatch to gum down, so you have like a second before it happens, for us it was at the end of a feed, she was playing and it was only for a day or two when teething (has 4 teeth and only had 2x2 days). I finish feed, say no, cover nipple, she gets a bit frustrated. I offer again 10-15min later. Also, wait for twiddling, that's a 'fun' stage when she starts flicking your nipple 😂😂
When my little one does this I lift her up and she usually burps, so I take it as she's full or got wind. She's 3 months
Normal for her age bc she had a big development and can easily get distracted… my consultant told me to feed in a dark room. See if that helps.
My daughter did this but she eventually stopped doing it on her own after a month or so.
My son is 6 months but has been doing this for a while. Mostly when ANYTHING is happening. I have to feed him in a quiet place NOT around daddy lol. Unless he's sleepy then he will eat normal
Yep, both of mine did that. Depending on how my patience was or if we had plans and needed to get going, I'd let them do their thing :)
My son does this. My daughter did too. I feel like it's their way of saying they're done eating but want to play with your nipple. I could be wrong but that's just my take.